Want to live longer after surviving your first heart attack? Try eating high-fiber cereals starting today.

High-fiber diet comes as one of the best approaches on achieving a healthy digestive system. But did you know that in addition, cereals could help some individuals live longer?

A new study suggests that eating a high-fiber such as cereals may help you live longer after a heart attack.


BBC researchers have looked into the data of two nine-year U.S. studies. This involved more than 4,000 men and women who survived a heart attack and provided their diet information via questionnaires.

Furthermore, KBCS reports about the extraordinary findings of researchers: “Boston researchers followed heart attack survivors and found that those who ate the most fiber from grains had a 25 percent lower chance of dying.”

LiveScience added an incredible fact about high-fiber diet: “Every 10-gram increase in fiber intake per day corresponded to a 15 percent lower risk of dying during the study period.”

On the other hand, scientists cannot definitely confirm the link between high-fiber diet and increased lifespan. Despite this, many doctors cited all kinds of benefits one could receive from this kind of diet.


Dr. Tara Narula informed CBS that fiber lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol. It also moderates your blood sugar and lessen your craving as it makes you feel full quicker.

Finally, Science World Report noted three types of fibers put into study — cereals, fruits and vegetables. Out of the three, only the fiber from cereals has a strong link with increased long-term survival after recovery from a heart attack.

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